In the Beginning


A Little History of Rush Creek Studio

Once I discovered polymer clay (with my “clay mother” Maureen Carlson), I began with jewelry making. Maureen started getting magazines with these wonderful dolls that looked so real! I was quite fascinated and told myself, “I could do that!” There weren’t many professional classes available and I really couldn’t afford to be traveling at that time, so I set out to teach myself. I joined a local doll club and took some local classes on sculpting portraiture from life. I was able to bring my son Ryan to class and he modeled for us! I brought my little kids into my studio to study them by taking pictures, tracing around their bodies, and reducing down to different sizes… anything I could do! I had to learn how to use the clay - how to make something three-dimensional, what do elbows and wrists and knees look like? etc.

After one year of work I brought my first doll to the doll club’s show and tell. I got a panic attack taking it out of the bag! It was awful. But I did it again and again.

Next time I will tell you a story from that era....



Early Dolls